Not FOR VOTE... Just THANK you for yesterday POTD.!..

Picture by cocomoni

  • 1496
  • 0
  • 0
  • November 14, 2013
  • Shooting Style
  • Shoots Number
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format
  • Notes
wasabi thank you


14 Nov 02:34

"Wasabi" wanted to thank you for yesterdays votes.!. cheers...

14 Nov 04:51

Woof woof.

14 Nov 06:28

Looks to me like one very happy and contented animal you have there Coco. I should send him some photos of hungry stray dogs here with their bones showing and he would realise just how blessed he is. Give him a cookie from me please.

14 Nov 16:11

Looks like a keeper!

14 Nov 21:16

Coco Buen viaje a Cuba, es precioso y un paraíso fotográfico. Te vas a enamorar del mojito, en USA es más difícil, pero yo pedi en un bar una plantita de hierba buena y broto en mi jardín, sabes como le doy al mojito.

14 Nov 23:12

A man's best friend.

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