The world is in our hands... NOT FOR VOTE

Picture by cocomoni

  • 1678
  • 7
  • 0
  • January 22, 2014
  • 2mm I am guessing..
  • Shooting Style
  • Shoots Number
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes


22 Jan 02:18

So why don't we organize a little? I see there are a 2 well defined groups here about the voting system. The "c... suckers brigade" who votes all 10 for crap pics and in the other hand the " PIXEL POLICE" or "HALO HUNTERS GROUP" who are more strict about the grades. Obviously is easy to rate all 10 and try to receive back a 10 but we will fool ourselves and don't improve. So I kindly ask (me included) to try to be more fair and constructive in the voting. LETS MET IN THE MIDDLE SUCKERS and POLICE !!. I believe HDR crème is an awesome tool to share inspiration and new techniques. This should be a fun and inspirational activity for everyone but I feel some grunge lately in some participants. PEACE GUYS !.. I am also PROPOSING the following... how about THURSDAYs "BLACK AND WHITE day".. and FRIDAYs "NEW ART TECHNIQUE" day?.This should be a fun way to share and master new things... Thanks again for the votes and comments. I didn t want to be rude but I don't have the time to thank each one in his wall!! cheers... and lets have fun!

22 Jan 02:26

Much like your other post today Carlos your Download shows Noise in the sky Top Left.....otherwise a Wonderful Composition

22 Jan 02:59

I am just so proud that my pixel police and c... suckers has entered Crème vocabulary. That for me is so much more gratifying than POTD lol. Great words Coco and in my heart Im with you but as I said in the forum a leopard cannot change his spots. Once a

22 Jan 03:00

c... sucker always a c... sucker Im afraid. Its the nature of the beast. So a self regulatory system is doomed to fail. Sorry for the negativity but Billy lives in the real world.

22 Jan 03:07

Sun kills it to me.

22 Jan 06:00

Thanks for being a part of our return to sanity Carlos. The blown out sun could be helped by using a higher f-stop and a neutral density filter.

22 Jan 06:13

I agree with you entirely Carlos and I will be placing something on the forum (Suggestion) later today.

22 Jan 10:43

je trouve que le soleil gache l'image

22 Jan 13:10

Agree Kevin e Randall

22 Jan 13:34

well guys that was a go pro picture not for voting ! about starting tomorrow with the b&W day?

22 Jan 17:32

Agree about blown sun and sky left side

22 Jan 20:20


22 Jan 20:34

El sol se quema totalmente, podria clonarse, también halos sobre tu cabeza ( y no son de angel)

22 Jan 21:55

All said about sun,halo and sky.

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