First of all, congratulations on providing as decent download, something you are able see everything. If you look along the treeline you will notice something strange which looks like it has been drawn in with strange colour. But overall looking at the po
22 Jan 11:11
No vote today just comments from me. To be honest it looks like you had halo or other problems with the central trees and cloned it out. Sky is not good with odd bright blue patch in the middle
22 Jan 13:09
Overall White Balance is far too cool creating too much blueness in the skies and CA on the tips of trees. Download also shows the image to be a bit over sharpened IMHO. Good Effort Nonetheless.
22 Jan 13:33
Agree Digicam
22 Jan 15:22
8 great one. Details on trees are very good..
22 Jan 17:19
Color balance is tending toward the yellow, with odd darkening at the tops of the trees... A bit of color correction could make this pop.
22 Jan 17:42
A bit oversaturated but somehow looks nice, the sky is off
22 Jan 20:53
A strong HDR process, which does not displease me, the tone is too warm and the sky has problems.
22 Jan 22:12
agree with others
22 Jan 22:12
Upam,da si kaj bral forum.Spremembe ocenjevanja,nižje bolj realne ocene in več nasvetov o napakah.Me zanima koliko časa bo to trajalo.Lepa slika,vse napake so zgoraj že omenjene.
Three mighty trees near the Rimske toplice spa.
First of all, congratulations on providing as decent download, something you are able see everything. If you look along the treeline you will notice something strange which looks like it has been drawn in with strange colour. But overall looking at the po
No vote today just comments from me. To be honest it looks like you had halo or other problems with the central trees and cloned it out. Sky is not good with odd bright blue patch in the middle
Overall White Balance is far too cool creating too much blueness in the skies and CA on the tips of trees. Download also shows the image to be a bit over sharpened IMHO. Good Effort Nonetheless.
Agree Digicam
8 great one. Details on trees are very good..
Color balance is tending toward the yellow, with odd darkening at the tops of the trees... A bit of color correction could make this pop.
A bit oversaturated but somehow looks nice, the sky is off
A strong HDR process, which does not displease me, the tone is too warm and the sky has problems.
agree with others
Upam,da si kaj bral forum.Spremembe ocenjevanja,nižje bolj realne ocene in več nasvetov o napakah.Me zanima koliko časa bo to trajalo.Lepa slika,vse napake so zgoraj že omenjene.