Editing Software Others / Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
File Format JPEG
02 Feb 20:37
cañón antiguo en el parque de la batería.
02 Feb 22:50
It's good. Too bright,lack of contrast,some C/A and ghosting on the fence which also distract the whole scene.You should try to shot from other angle with no fence infront.
02 Feb 23:56
Has a purple sort of hue on my monitor but for you my man I shall ignore that and award you a fat 10 from the Billyspad bag of goodies
03 Feb 09:55
Great subject matter. Too soft, needs some contrast and colour correction.
cañón antiguo en el parque de la batería. torremolinos.
It's good. Too bright,lack of contrast,some C/A and ghosting on the fence which also distract the whole scene.You should try to shot from other angle with no fence infront.
Has a purple sort of hue on my monitor but for you my man I shall ignore that and award you a fat 10 from the Billyspad bag of goodies
Great subject matter. Too soft, needs some contrast and colour correction.