The queens state carriage in The mews at Buck palace taken with Nikon compact camera. PLEASE DONT VOTE as I am not interested in points scoring, unfortunately I was pushed for space when taking this shot and had to cut the back wheel a bit, but I dont think its too bad for a compact
06 Feb 20:33
This is a great shot considering you only had your compact. Please forgive me for being honest but the window is blown and it's too tight as you have said. I would love a chance to get this shot.
06 Feb 20:34
fredzhang Plus User
WOW! Welcome to the year of horse(Chinese)
06 Feb 20:40
jphoto, Dont mind you being honest at all mate, I noticed the window myself once I had uploaded but to be honest I couldnt be bothered taking it down again to re-do:)havent bothered much with this site lately as I have been very busy with video work, but
06 Feb 20:40
I may start posting a few snaps again.
06 Feb 21:21
Pushed for space? Should have asked them to move the horses back towards the carriage!! Great shot and finely processed.
06 Feb 21:50
06 Feb 22:04
Great clarity,well taken shot.
07 Feb 01:22
Glad to hear you will be posting what you call a few snaps again. I think they are long way from snaps Ron
The queens state carriage in The mews at Buck palace taken with Nikon compact camera. PLEASE DONT VOTE as I am not interested in points scoring, unfortunately I was pushed for space when taking this shot and had to cut the back wheel a bit, but I dont think its too bad for a compact
This is a great shot considering you only had your compact. Please forgive me for being honest but the window is blown and it's too tight as you have said. I would love a chance to get this shot.
WOW! Welcome to the year of horse(Chinese)
jphoto, Dont mind you being honest at all mate, I noticed the window myself once I had uploaded but to be honest I couldnt be bothered taking it down again to re-do:)havent bothered much with this site lately as I have been very busy with video work, but
I may start posting a few snaps again.
Pushed for space? Should have asked them to move the horses back towards the carriage!! Great shot and finely processed.
Great clarity,well taken shot.
Glad to hear you will be posting what you call a few snaps again. I think they are long way from snaps Ron
muy buena
muy buena