If this is free art day here is my attempt at free art, I did this one for Randall some months back and at that time digital art was frowned upon by members of this community but apparently that has changed.
By the way don't bother voting I am not interested in points at all.
07 Feb 01:04
Beautifully done Ron and as per your request I shall not actually vote but this is a true 10. Have you tried a program called Flame Painter 2 Pro? I think you would enjoy it
07 Feb 01:27
Digital art is still frowned upon my man. Allowed on Fridays only cos this is supposed to make us happy and convinced sweetness and harmony reigns in the world of Crème. Have no fear normal service will be resumed tomorrow when the unknowledgeable numptie
07 Feb 01:31
numpties entrusted with the power of the vote will be here again to insert a skewer into your heart. You need a thick skin and a sense of humour for guaranteed survival.
07 Feb 05:30
Great work Ron. Love this type of work.
07 Feb 09:55
Beautiful Ron...
07 Feb 13:12
beautiful 10
07 Feb 22:50
josephc Plus User
Beautiful work.
07 Feb 23:10
With no doubt this is one of the best today and my favorite, beautiful work.
If this is free art day here is my attempt at free art, I did this one for Randall some months back and at that time digital art was frowned upon by members of this community but apparently that has changed. By the way don't bother voting I am not interested in points at all.
Beautifully done Ron and as per your request I shall not actually vote but this is a true 10. Have you tried a program called Flame Painter 2 Pro? I think you would enjoy it
Digital art is still frowned upon my man. Allowed on Fridays only cos this is supposed to make us happy and convinced sweetness and harmony reigns in the world of Crème. Have no fear normal service will be resumed tomorrow when the unknowledgeable numptie
numpties entrusted with the power of the vote will be here again to insert a skewer into your heart. You need a thick skin and a sense of humour for guaranteed survival.
Great work Ron. Love this type of work.
Beautiful Ron...
beautiful 10
Beautiful work.
With no doubt this is one of the best today and my favorite, beautiful work.
beau travail