Orange sunset in the river..

Picture by cocomoni

  • 3031
  • 11
  • 0
  • February 14, 2014
  • Nikon D700
  • 25mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -3+3
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
sunset river orange saint moritz


14 Feb 01:24

Very happy to see some progress in HDR crème.! Yesterday posts were great!. And I saw great artists coming back little by little. Please don't forget the idea of this is to share different POVs, knowledge, ideas and inspiration. Are we grateful enough that we have the opportunity to share our work to another person in the other part of the world? After million of years of evolution we have great cameras and internet AHA !. We are living this world ! Incredible eh..So lets enjoy it.ITs FRIDAYS FREE ART and the sunsets sometimes are this ORANGE.. I SAID..

14 Feb 02:58

I had some of that fine weed that makes the sky look this colour!!! I would recommend it to all and my dealer is willing to send overseas. He accepts payment via Pay Pal. Must go a newly loaded bong is heading this way. A stoned a sloppy grinned 10 for yo

14 Feb 03:10

I thought it was somewhere in Japan b4 download

14 Feb 06:43

Makes a difference that sky, I like this Carlos.

14 Feb 13:54

Nice shot

14 Feb 16:58

Beautiful, one of today best IMO.

14 Feb 17:32

Sure why not

14 Feb 20:13

really lovely work.

14 Feb 20:59

Like the composition. Snow is flat and ghosting in the water and on the bridge

14 Feb 21:57

9...Sorry Carlos thought I voted on this earlier...

14 Feb 22:20


14 Feb 23:11

Sorry, i can only agree with some special weed that makes this sky so colourful. :-)

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