Fire In The Woods

Picture by flipd1

  • 1587
  • 4
  • 0
  • May 04, 2014
  • Canon EOS 600D
  • Canon 18 - 55 IS
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -3, -2, -1, 0, -1, +2, +3
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
Fire Woods


04 May 03:00

We had a mens campout for our church. This was a huge bonfire we had. It was pitch black and the only source of light was this fire. The fire itself is pseudo HDR due to the many exposures involved and some of them for several seconds. The rest is a true multiple exposure HDR

04 May 06:13

I commend the action to benefit the church but "mens campout" makes an old Englishman chuckle. Its just so ultra American. A nice 8 from the goody bag to go with the smokey tasting food

04 May 11:16

You will love the next few pictures. It will have guns in it. I am quite sure you will just turn off your mind and just give a 6 or some other low number because you abhor guns.

04 May 15:10

You are certainly right in the fact I hate guns but that does not mean they cant make a great photo. Just leave out grown men in cowboy hats with them lol

04 May 16:05


04 May 16:45


04 May 17:03

scene too difficult to rate

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