Superb shot (I LOVE the Plymouth and the Barbican - I actually recognised your biker photo yesterday after I voted). 9.
25 Sep 16:47
fredzhang Plus User
You must used F22(dust spot) Cut the washed out part of the sky, it will be a easy 10.
25 Sep 17:02
25 Sep 17:35
In my opinion: subject - 10, composition - 10, process - 8. Overall - 9.
25 Sep 17:55
Actually 9+. Loss of highlight detail in sky and blue of house and boat a bit intense (for me). But I REALLY like this shot. The texture of buildings and reflections... Superb.
Superb shot (I LOVE the Plymouth and the Barbican - I actually recognised your biker photo yesterday after I voted). 9.
You must used F22(dust spot) Cut the washed out part of the sky, it will be a easy 10.
In my opinion: subject - 10, composition - 10, process - 8. Overall - 9.
Actually 9+. Loss of highlight detail in sky and blue of house and boat a bit intense (for me). But I REALLY like this shot. The texture of buildings and reflections... Superb.