Taken at the 'Tine Warp' Shop in Stratford On Avon.
09 Oct 01:45
Wish I could see this at the full 4900 pixels. Stunning image (I would have backed down the blue a teeeeeny bit. Look at the cropping and tell me it's not the coolest thing.
09 Oct 08:45
In my opinion: subject - 9, composition - 10, process - 10. Overall - 10.
09 Oct 09:40
great quirky image and well spotted but I do feel the blues are much too blue and the reds suffer from the same problem. Makes it look a little comic book like
09 Oct 13:59
flipd1 Plus User
Nice Selfie Darrell. You are so current in the time warp pic
Taken at the 'Tine Warp' Shop in Stratford On Avon. *** BEST VIEWED AT FULL SIZE ***
Wish I could see this at the full 4900 pixels. Stunning image (I would have backed down the blue a teeeeeny bit. Look at the cropping and tell me it's not the coolest thing.
In my opinion: subject - 9, composition - 10, process - 10. Overall - 10.
great quirky image and well spotted but I do feel the blues are much too blue and the reds suffer from the same problem. Makes it look a little comic book like
Nice Selfie Darrell. You are so current in the time warp pic
perfect details..congrat
Great as always. Nice job!