
Picture by sanz3jo

  • 1600
  • 0
  • 0
  • March 06, 2015
  • Zuiko 70-300MM + MMF-3
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Single RAW File
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Others / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Camera: Olympus E-M1
Butterfly Colors Contrast Olympus Zuiko E-M1


06 Mar 21:30

No for voting, just supporting the site.

06 Mar 22:07

I know you would not even consider posting this one on any other day. I have many shots like this one that got away from me. Got take the Good with the Bad I guess. Thanks for showing your support once again.

06 Mar 22:21

Thanks for your support and comment Ed. Maybe because the butterfly face is hidden your right about no to post here on any other day, but this one was part of a community of photographer enthusiast that I belong and they choose a theme for the month and

06 Mar 22:22

... in this occasion was "Contrast" so I exposed this one as "color contrast" and for that scenario it was fine.

06 Mar 22:27

They choose a theme every month like: B&W, natural framing, perspective, bokeh, motion and so on.

06 Mar 23:34

Theme of the Month is an interesting idea. Wonder if something like that would work here.

07 Mar 00:05

In that case Mario is it is a Fine Example....thanks for sharing that explanation with me.

07 Mar 12:23

Nice colors

08 Mar 01:46

this is really niceee :D

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