Order Yours Today!

Picture by digicam

  • Houma, LA, United States

  • 2049
  • 4
  • 1
  • December 30, 2016
  • Nikon D800
  • Nikkor 24-70mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number 7@1EV
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro 5.0, Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Elements 15, Topaz DeNoise.
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes Out-of-Bounds Effect
cakes mardi gras sweets seasonal cnnnata's supermarket food


30 Dec 14:00

CLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW AT HIGHEST RESOLUTION. One of several Ads I did for a local Supermarket. They are World Famous for their seasonal Mardi Gras King Cakes. They bake and ship Thousands every year for a Three Month period during Lent. Original 7 shot HDR of the store front then used Out-of-Bounds effect on image and added Mardi Gras Colors to background and finished with Lettering. Get a few friends to chip in and order one today.....You won't regret it. See list of flavors here....... http://cannataskingcakes.com/flavors.html

30 Dec 18:56

Nice graphic art! Good to see someone making a few bucks off the photography obsession!!

30 Dec 20:49

Thanks For the Kind Words Steve. Yeh, every little bit helps when your on a retirement budget. Now if we could only convince E. Wijsen to use a Denoise program on his images.

30 Dec 21:25

Absolutely on the denoise. He has some really nice artistic images. Reminds me of the type of style that Serge Remelli does with a lot of his tutorials using brush techniques. ( if you haven't seen any of Remelli's stuff, google him. I just watch what he does and after a while it becomes easy to "reverse engineer" his techniques ). The noise becomes a distraction that is easy to avoid. I'll have to hint to him along with you. I checked the King Cake ad you did. Did you do all the internet pages for them? The styles are the same.

31 Dec 03:04

I will check out Mr. Serge. No Steve this is my first job for this customer. I shot probably 20 images total and so far have posted 10 images on.... https://500px.com/digicam. They are to be used on The stores Facebook Page and Marketing Flyers. One perhaps even as a possible Billboard.

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