The Library

Picture by flipd1

  • 1660
  • 1
  • 0
  • April 22, 2019
  • Canon 7d
  • 18-55
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number 0,2,-2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes Natural Presets
frenchlick indiana Library book books


22 Apr 02:20

The Library in Frenchlick Indiana

22 Apr 11:04

Fine Composition. Processing is Spot On with Clarity and Great Detail. White Balance is far TOO WARM. Did you process this using "Shot As"? The White Balance (Lighting) gives everything the same color or feel. When talking about cameras and photography ‘white balance’ refers to the adjustment made to an image to compensate for the color temperature of the light illuminating the scene being captured. Perhaps processed using "Tungsten Or Auto " setting would offset the balance. If not further adjustments in another program to change the TOO WARM appearance of the the SCENE is needed. The before and after shows Excellent Processing as witnessed by the three bulb light fixture on the wall top right.

22 Apr 19:06

@digicam Ed, I 100% agree about this being too warm. I didn't really catch it till I had uploaded it here. I will need to tweak it for sure and bring the temp over to the cooler side of things. This was my first time using the newer interface on the Photomatix. I am having a little of a learning curve with it. I guess I was so used to the old one that things like temperature got overlooked. Thanks for the insight and advice. I greatly appreciate it.

22 Apr 19:07

@digicam It looks even worse on my phone in comparison to the computer screen. Weird how that works

22 Apr 22:25

like the details

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