Editing Software Lightroom / Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC
File Format RAW
Notes 7 shots converted to HDR with Photomatix. 2 layers merged with Photoshop, Vibrant and Creative (just 10%) for the sky and water to create more depth. Cropped with Lightroom.
greenland quaydockwaterskylondonCanary Wharf
19 May 09:30
carlo Plus User
Another view of the Greenland Dock this time from the far end. Canary Wharf in the background is now the main financial district of London situated in the Isle of Dogs, just across the river.
Updated 19 May 14:17
digicam Plus User
Slight Crop IMHO may have improved this post. Wonderful Composition nonetheless.
Like the perspective and line of shot it was taken from.
19 May 15:49
This one is much better than yesterday's! Like the perspective effect, the reflexions on water and the sky. Also well processed.
19 May 16:35
carlo Plus User
@jorgehdrbrazil thank you Jorge. Appreciated.
19 May 16:35
carlo Plus User
@digicam thank you Ed.
19 May 18:09
All-around, I think this is a great photograph Carlo.
19 May 19:18
steve_zasadny Plus User
Very nice shot. I’d like to see this shot flipped horizontally just for L to R eye movements. Sometimes I do that and it has a nice affect. Some think it’s heresy, but, this is art, isn’t it?
19 May 22:10
carlo Plus User
@guyhawkins thank you Guy. Much appreciated.
19 May 22:38
carlo Plus User
@steve_zasadny Thank you Steve. Will try that and let you know!
20 May 15:44
Very nicely scene and great reflections Carlo....I like it : )
Another view of the Greenland Dock this time from the far end. Canary Wharf in the background is now the main financial district of London situated in the Isle of Dogs, just across the river.
Slight Crop IMHO may have improved this post. Wonderful Composition nonetheless. Like the perspective and line of shot it was taken from.
This one is much better than yesterday's! Like the perspective effect, the reflexions on water and the sky. Also well processed.
@jorgehdrbrazil thank you Jorge. Appreciated.
@digicam thank you Ed.
All-around, I think this is a great photograph Carlo.
Very nice shot. I’d like to see this shot flipped horizontally just for L to R eye movements. Sometimes I do that and it has a nice affect. Some think it’s heresy, but, this is art, isn’t it?
@guyhawkins thank you Guy. Much appreciated.
@steve_zasadny Thank you Steve. Will try that and let you know!
Very nicely scene and great reflections Carlo....I like it : )
@jonnywalk21 Thank u!! Appreciated.