Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC / Topaz Studio / Other
File Format RAW
29 Sep 04:44
steve_zasadny Plus User
A waterfall located in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon
29 Sep 12:02
digicam Plus User
I'm sure this can NOT be processed any better because I know your work. But this file is so large I can not see the True Quality of it on this screen. Large Verticals for some reason do not show well on this site IMHO. Thanks for posting.
A waterfall located in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon
I'm sure this can NOT be processed any better because I know your work. But this file is so large I can not see the True Quality of it on this screen. Large Verticals for some reason do not show well on this site IMHO. Thanks for posting.
Awsome waterfall : )