Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC / Topaz Studio / Other
File Format RAW
13 Jul 03:03
steve_zasadny Plus User
An early morning image of Athabasca Falls taken just before sunrise. The sun is just below the ridge of the mountain
13 Jul 13:05
digicam Plus User
You put Ansel Adams to shame with that post Steve.....LOL. This would make a great Wall Mural in someones home. Looks like a Contest Contender to me. Thanks for sharing.
An early morning image of Athabasca Falls taken just before sunrise. The sun is just below the ridge of the mountain
You put Ansel Adams to shame with that post Steve.....LOL. This would make a great Wall Mural in someones home. Looks like a Contest Contender to me. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful shot Steve.
What can I say? Just Wow!