Wildfire smoke ove The Stanley Hotel.

Picture by gwigler

  • 1608
  • 4
  • 0
  • August 16, 2020
  • Canon 6D MkII
  • 70-200mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes
Wildfire Colorado Stanley Hotel Estes Park


16 Aug 13:38

Smoke from the Cameron Peak wildfire in northern Colorado above the historic Stanley Hotel.

16 Aug 20:46

Greg I really think Wes Anderson should make a movie in this location.

16 Aug 22:03

Smoke helped make for some great colors in the sky. Thanks for sharing Greg.

19 Aug 00:02

@carlo Besides part of The Shining being filmed there, the Shining tv series was filmed there along with "Dumb and Dumber.

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