Editing Software Lightroom / Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC / Topaz Studio
File Format RAW
Notes Also used Lumanzia
28 May 01:37
anne_zarzycki Plus User
A cold old firetruck Psycho Silo Saloon, Langley, Illinois
28 May 06:31
carlo Plus User
Glad you managed to post this time! Nice job with this truck!
28 May 10:14
kitfox Plus User
Nice find, photo, and processing Anna well done.
28 May 13:13
digicam Plus User
Who doesn't Love HDR Rust? You sure did a great job on this one Anne. I like how you were able to remove the TWO post behind the Truck but you forgot to remove the unexplained shadows.....LOL. Keeping the snow white is very good as well. Thanks for adding the 0EV for contrast and posting this image today.
28 May 14:12
28 May 14:13
anne_zarzycki Plus User
@digicam LOL I totally missed those shadows. I deliberately kept the little footprints and missed the big shadows.
A cold old firetruck Psycho Silo Saloon, Langley, Illinois
Glad you managed to post this time! Nice job with this truck!
Nice find, photo, and processing Anna well done.
Who doesn't Love HDR Rust? You sure did a great job on this one Anne. I like how you were able to remove the TWO post behind the Truck but you forgot to remove the unexplained shadows.....LOL. Keeping the snow white is very good as well. Thanks for adding the 0EV for contrast and posting this image today.
@digicam LOL I totally missed those shadows. I deliberately kept the little footprints and missed the big shadows.
Nice one Anne. Did a great job on this!
Congrats on POTD Anne.........Well Done.