John Rylands library

Picture by degsy

  • Manchester, UK

  • 136
  • 1
  • 0
  • 04 Aug
  • Canon EOS R7
  • 10.0-20.0 mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -3.-2.-1.0.+1.+2.+3
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC / Other
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes

1 Comment

04 Aug 12:34

The John Rylands Research Institute and Library is a late-Victorian neo-Gothic building on Deansgate in Manchester, England. It is part of the University of Manchester. The library, which opened to the public in 1900, was founded by Enriqueta Augustina Rylands in memory of her husband, John Rylands.

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