Cripta di S.Andrea (Duomo di Amalfi) - Crypt of St. Andrew (Duomo di Amalfi)

Picture by cnobile

  • views 4583
  • likes 13
  • favourites 0
  • published January 27, 2014
  • Canon PowerShot SX40
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Others / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes 1/3 sec. f/2.7
Cripta S.Andrea Duomo Amalfi


27 Jan 12:23

Under the Cathedral of Amalfi, there is the crypt of St. Andrew. Inside, there is the main altar that was made in fine marble (by Domenico Fontana), with the bronze statue of St. Andrew, work by Michelangelo Naccherino (Florentine, a pupil of Michelangelo) and the marble statues of St. Stephen and St. Lawrence, works by Pietro Bernini. Florentine polychrome marble covering the pillars and some of the walls. Above the statue of St. Andrew, the restorers have left an area not clean to allow comparison pre-restoration. To properly evaluate this photo, is important to know that, in the Crypt, the brightness is very low, almost a "candlelight", is not allowed to use the tripod neither flash and there is always a crowd of tourists intent to trying of photograph the artistic beauties. A simple search of "Cripta Duomo di Amalfi" on Google Images, can give you an idea of ​​how is difficult to get a halfway decent image. Sotto il Duomo di Amalfi, si trova la Cripta di S.Andrea. Al suo interno, fu realizzato l’altare centrale, in marmo pregiato (opera di Domenico Fontana), che presenta la statua bronzea di S.Andrea, opera di Michelangelo Naccherino (fiorentino allievo del Buonarroti), nonché le statue marmoree di S.Stefano e S.Lorenzo, opere di Pietro Bernini. Marmi policromi fiorentini coprono i pilastri ed alcune pareti. Sopra la statua di S.Andrea, i restauratori hanno lasciato una parte non pulita per permettere il confronto pre-restauro. Per valutare correttamente questa foto, è importante sapere che, all'interno della Cripta, la luminosità è molto bassa, quasi a "lume di candela", non è permesso usare il treppiedi né il flash e c'è sempre una folla di turisti intenta a cercare di fotografarne le bellezze. Una semplice ricerca di "Cripta Duomo di Amalfi" su Google Immagini, può darvi l'idea di quanto sia difficile ottenere un'immagine appena decente.

27 Jan 13:00

Looks just fine and dandy to me but its not straight. it looks an incredibly beautiful place. may I suggest the risotto and green salad to go with your perfect score of 10

27 Jan 13:43

I like it, but maybe would have cropped tighter at bottom and shown more at the top

27 Jan 14:18

Wonderful capture except for the lighting on the right side..a bit harsh. Also looks a touch flat, doesn't pop! a touch more saturation. Overall a great image.

27 Jan 16:01

Nice shot, a few steps back if possible?

27 Jan 17:02

9 for me. I see is somewhat tilted..

27 Jan 17:04


27 Jan 18:35

Impressive view, no noise is nice. Photo could be aligned more evenly.

27 Jan 18:35

nice picture, needs a little bit more contrast

27 Jan 20:10

The place is awesome but lost protagonism by the lack of contrast, I believe that accentuate the shadows, would give the volume is missing.

27 Jan 20:18


27 Jan 20:51
fredzhang Plus User


27 Jan 21:51


27 Jan 23:25
josephc Plus User


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