JOFFRE LAKES Aug. 22 2018

Picture by fredzhang

  • Joffre Lakes Trail, Mount Currie, BC, Canada

  • 3634
  • 5
  • 1
  • August 16, 2020
  • Picture of the day
  • Nikon D800
  • 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,-1,0,+1,+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
summer CONTEST


16 Aug 12:48

Outstanding Post and Entry Fred. Pity there is NOT an 0EV to show the real contrast between HDR and Non in this case. 5 Shots Hand Held? Is she a Model and you told her to FREEZE or did you use the DeGhosting in the Photomatix Program? Good Luck in the Contest. Looks like a Real Contender in my book.

Updated 16 Aug 17:13

Hi, Edy, I used deghosting. Thanks. I don't know her.

17 Aug 00:47

Congrats on POTD Fred.

18 Aug 20:21

Very nice

12 Sep 15:36

Congratulations on your 2nd Place Finish in the SUMMER CONTEST. Well Deserved.

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